Should Each of My Kids Have Their Own Bathroom?

A decently sized house is a luxury. Three bedrooms and two bathrooms seem like a dream come true. As is with people, everyone wants their private bathroom attached to their bedrooms.

It’s a sort of safe space, with your hair products, water temperature to your liking, and even scented candles. But like I mentioned earlier, it’s a dream.

Now, think if you have such preferences, wouldn’t your kids have the same as well? A personal bathroom?! Sometimes it’s a hassle, and at other times it’s a cakewalk.

Today, you’ll understand what has the potential to work the best, having separate bathrooms for your kids or not.

How big is your home?

The number and area of the spaces in a house depend on its size. A small house might have three bedrooms, but we all know the compromises that come along with it; cramped space and stacks of shared zones.

Young kids find it easy to share a bathroom, but you must consider alternatives with growing age. It doesn’t necessarily mean moving to a bigger property. Options are always available.

The answer to this question lies in how your kids are managing their current shared bathroom. If they’re young and have no hassles, then you’re all set. A single bathroom might suffice young children for many years before they demand separate ones.

And when it’s time for a revamp, you could always bring in a residential architect!

The What and Where

For young children, a common bathroom just outside their rooms works well. It provides easy access and convenience for them and the parents as well.

A common bathroom for your kids could be a decent way to utilize space in your home efficiently. It could even save on the hassle of adding new water and electric lines for an additional bathroom.

Is One Better than Two?

Logistics come into practice when deciding how to work out the bathroom situation for your kids. It considers reason, finances, and how much space your home has. And for good reasons:

Your kids should have a realistic sense of being grounded

In today’s world, people sharing a bathroom seems a bit silly, doesn’t it? But attached bathrooms weren’t always the case. Your grandparents and their parents had to manage with just one!

Even the kings and queens of the past wouldn’t have it so good as today.

With high-paying jobs, it’s become easier to raise a family comfortably. Comfort is more of a luxury now.

Indoor plumbing is nothing short of a marvel. As parents, you might want your kids to have all the luxuries that you missed out on. However, a personal toilet, shower, and other attached ancillary services for your kids might raise the bar too high.

A grounded home always seems to work well based on harmony and generosity.

Less work for the parents

You can’t expect young kids to clean up. Just like with their bedrooms, their bathrooms could be messy as well. Water splashed across the floor, wet sink, or even shampoo bottles lying around.

If you don’t hire someone to clean your home, you’re stuck cleaning your kids’ bathrooms well. If that’s the situation, one is better than two.

When babies grow into toddlers, as does the mess and cleaning it up. Just because you have your bathroom doesn’t mean you’re absolved of cleaning the other ones. Once your kids are at an age where they can handle their mess, individual bathrooms don’t seem so scary.

Understanding the reality

As your kids grow older, you must think of college as well. College signifies education but at a high price. Come to think of it, your kids might end up using communal bathrooms.

Dorm bathrooms won’t work for your kids if they’ve had individual ones their entire lives. Sharing a bathroom doesn’t just inculcate a sense of humility but responsibility as well.

Additionally, it might save your kids some culture shock if they’ve shared spaces before.

You can cultivate the values you want in your kids

If you’re surrounded by luxuries, developing values in your children such as tolerance and sharing could be hard. Even if it sounds crazy, it’s an easy example of inculcating the quality of sharing in young children.

How does it work?

Technically speaking, a common bathroom for your kids displays a plethora of benefits short-term as well as long-term.

Speaking of short-term benefits:

  • You could initiate an efficient use of space in your home.
  • You get a hassle-free home environment.
  • You don’t need to change any service systems of your house.
  • You don’t have an additional mess to clean other than this one.
  • You get to keep a check on your finances.

When it comes to long-term benefits:

  • You could save a bit on money to move into a bigger home with more bathrooms as time progresses.
  • If you have space, you could install another bathroom in the future.
  • It could develop crucial values in your children.

If you speak with a residential architect, you could find ways of transforming the current bathroom that your children share into something more lavish. It doesn’t necessarily need to be two separate bathrooms all the time. You could install customized sinks and patterned tiles that relate to a kids’ bathroom.

If at all your bathroom is large enough, you could consult a residential architect if a partition is possible that would leave you with two sufficiently-sized bathrooms.

Overall, it could be said that your kids do not need their separate bathrooms, but that only functions till a certain point. You can’t expect teenagers to share a bathroom out of their will!

But, for today, you’re fine.

A residential architect could be a decent way for you to understand how to make changes to your home to accommodate another bathroom in the future or at present if required according to the norms and rules of where you live.

Consulting a residential architect might bring forth more opportunities with all the technicalities looked after and you won’t have to look much ahead.

So, why wait? Each day your kids are growing and so are their requirements.